The hallmarks of open-mindedness


  1. Readiness to change one’s views, both of others and of oneself, in the light of new facts and evidence 
  2. Not deliberately distorting, or recklessly over-simplifying, incontestable facts
  3. Not caricaturing the views of people with whom one disagrees 
  4. Not over-generalising 
  5. Not using double standards when comparing and contrasting others with oneself
  6. Seeing difference and disagreement as a resource for understanding more about oneself, not as a threat
  7. Seeking to understand other people’s views and standpoints in their own terms and recognising where they are coming from – the narratives and stories with which they interpret events 
  8. Not claiming greater certainty than is warranted 
  9. Seeking consensus or at least a modus vivendi which keeps channels of communication open and permits all to maintain dignity 

Robin Richardson 2010